SHAKING THE FAMILY TREE....................

BRADFORD males needed for Family Tree DNA

We have been fortunate to receive a Grant to start a Bradford Family DNA project. The immediate focus will be to start with at least one representative of the primary lines: Plymouth, MA, Philadelphia, PA, Maryland, Accomack Co., VA, Charles City Co., VA, Fauquier Co., VA and others. This would give us a firm base. The toughest part of starting a DNA project is to obtain enough results to have meaning, thus the reason for the grant is to give us a database of perhaps 10 individuals. After that it will be up to individuals to purchase their own kit.

The Details: 1) sign up 2) send lineage, physical address 3) receive kit 4) return kit 5) wait for results. Pricing after the first ten sign-ups, which will be a 12-marker test (or before if you choose): 12 marker Y-DNA test $99: 25 Marker Upgrade $90: 25 Marker Y-DNA test $169. (+ Postage)

The website: has answers to your questions, as well as explanatory notes. THE PACE SOCIETY's DNA project can be found at: Click on Results. All is not as thought and it is really interesting, several different Virginia lines.

On the concern of giving up your DNA - if your insurance person took a swab of your cheek or drew blood, it's a done deal. If you were born after about 1960+ in a hospital, it's a done deal. In numerous ways, it's a done deal. This is secure in that it uses a numbering system - all is explained on the site. The kit comes to you and you return it, the results come to you and to the Project Administrator for analysis and to build family groups.

Unfortunately only Bradford direct male descendants are eligible. The ultimate would be to start with individuals who have an idea of their family five or so generations back. The most recent generations would not be used as an identifier. It isn't necessary to have a 'proven' lineage. Representatives of the 'PRIMARY' lines mentioned above are needed to anchor this Project in order for others to add roots to their tree. As the Project increases it is entirely possible to expand the study to identify the areas of origin of our ancestors across the sea, another reason for a substantial base of primary lines.

The purpose of the Project would be to identify 'Family Groups' and the common ancestor of each. The Y chromosome is passed from father to son unchanged, except for a mutation about every 500 generations. With the 12 marker DNA results, the numbers can be compared and family groups designated. The conclusions will be available for the benefit of all.

If you have an interest or know a Bradford male who would be interested in participating, use the below addresses to sign up or query.

Becky Mosely, Project Coordinator
2079 Kinridge Court
Marietta, GA 30062

Together we can tear down those 'Brick Walls'!